Ave Maria   for Mezzo Soprano [+ piano]   

Composer: Vincenzo Cirillo  (1837-c1882), 1879


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Recording: not available  
Lyrics: 1879 edition  Score:
A-ve A-ve Ma-ri-a!
gra-ti-a ple-na,
A-ve A-ve A-ve Ma-ri-a!
gra-ti-a ple-na,
Do-mi-nus Do-mi-nus te-cum,
be-ne-di-cta tu in mu-li-e-ri-bus,
et be-ne-di-ctus fru-ctus ven-tris tu-i,
fru-ctus ven-tris tu-i, Je-sus.

San-cta San-cta Ma-ri-a, Ma-ter De-i,
o-ra pro no-bis,
pro no-bis pec-ca-to-ri-bus,
nunc et in ho-ra mor-tis nos-trae,
A-men. A-men.

Internet references:
Dwight's journal of music, Volumes 39-41 By John Sullivan Dwight (1880)


Sig Vincenzo Cirillo, our well known amiable and musician-like singing teacher has been visiting his friend Mr Preston Powers the sculptor on his way to Naples where he will pass the winter His many friends in Boston will rejoice to learn that his health has already greatly improved. In a private letter Sig Cirillo speaks of the Royal Musical Institute of Florence as follows:

Page last modified: November 15, 2011

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