Ave Maria
Rinaldo Renzo Bossi (1883-1965), 1911
This work is public domain in
USA because published before 1923. It is still under copyright in Canada, the EU,
Japan, and elsewhere with copyright life +50 or life +75.
Recording: not available |
Lyrics: |
A ve Ma ri a,
A ve Ma ri a gra ti-a ple na.
Do mi nus te cum,
be ne di cta tu in mu lie ri bus,
be ne di ctus fru ctus ven-tris tu i Je sus
San cta Ma ri a,
San cta Ma ri a, Ma ter Dei,
o _ ra pro no bis pec ca to ri bus,
nunc et in ho ra mor tis no strae.
A men.
Score: free download on
http://imslp.org/wiki/Ave_Maria_(Bossi,_Renzo) |
Posted on YouTube: Not available at
this time. |
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references, biography information. |
http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-3491801558.html |
Bossi, (Rinaldo) Renzo
Italian conductor and composer, son of (Marco) Enrico Bossi; b. Como, April
9, 1883; d. Milan, April 2, 1965. He studied in Venice and in Leipzig, and
took a course in conducting with Nikisch. He conducted at various cities in
Italy. In 1916 he was appointed instructor at the Verdi Cons. in Milan.
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March 16, 2013
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