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Ave Maria   

Composer:  Augusto Bendelari (s.a.),  c1860

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not! 


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Score / MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  

The music of this composer is public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!

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CD: Ave Maria - Ellada Chakoyan
tr14 Ave Maria (Bendelari, Augusto)

Dwight's journal of music, Volumes 19-20 By John Sullivan Dwight - Johnson Reprint Corp., 1861
Mr Bendelari's Concert Mr Augusto Bendelari with his musical club made up from his pupils gave a concert at Mercantile Hall on Saturday evening last for the benefit of the families of the Boston Volunteers. We need not say that such a body of singers drawn from the most cultivated society of the city did not fail to draw a crowded house or to give a most substantial benefit. The programme gave us the names of some fifty ladies and twenty gentlemen who make up Signor Bendelari's club and we should be well pleased to be able to give some fuller account of this very delightful concert. The voices were all very fresh and beautiful and several of the singers showed the highest style of amateur accomplishment and cultivation most creditable to their instructor. The concert closed with a spirited air and chorus composed by Signor Bendelari who like most of our adopted citizens is full of patriotic ardor which found spirited expression in this song Pule Columbia which was admirably sung by Mrs Harwood and full chorus. This was the programme PART I 1 Chorus I Lombard Gerusalem Verdi 2 Solo Linda O Luce Donizetti 8 Duet Maria Pacillta 4 Solo Giuramento Manegli Mercadante 6 Solo Tancredl Rossini 6 Duet Bianco e Fallero u 7 Solo Separasione 8 Pezzo Concartato Macbeth Verdi

PART 2 1 Ave Maria Florimo 2 Solo Lucia Regnava Donizetti 3 Duet Giuramento Mercadante 4 Solo Jeanne d Arc Bordesl 6 Quartette Carnevale dl Venezia Petrella 6 Solo Cenerentola Non plu mesta Rossini 7 Rule Columbia B Augusto Mrs Harwood and Chorus A Bendelari

Page last modified: October 31, 2012

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