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Ave Maria Op.9 for soprano solo, choir and orchestra

Composer:  Julius von Beliczay (1835-1893), s.a.
aka Gyula von Beliczay

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!


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in: Archiv der Hofmusikkapelle in Wien

Recording:  not available  
Score:  not available  
MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  

Grove's dictionary of music and musicians, Volume 1 By John Alexander Fuller-Maitland et al.

BELICZAY JULIUS VON born August 10 1835 at Komorn in Hungary was at first an engineer but transferred his affections to music and became a pupil of J Hoffmann and F Krenn in Vienna After some years spent between Pressburg and Vienna he was appointed professor of theory in the National Music Academy in Pesth His compositions many of which are highly meritorious belong to the general stream of music and are independent of the national style which most Hungarian composers affect They include three string quartets a trio op 30 and andante for stringed orchestra a serenade for strings twosymphonies an Ave Maria for soprano solo choir and orchestra op 9 pianoforte pieces and songs besides a mass in F frequently performed In 1891 Beliczay published the first part of a method of composition in the Hungarian language Riemann's Lankon
Cyclopedia of music & musicians, Volume 1
John Denison Champlin, William Foster Apthorp - Scribner, 1893
BELICZAY JULIUS VON bom at Ko morn Hungary Aug 10 1835 still living 1888 Pianist pupil in Vienna of Joachim Hoffmann and Franz Krenn afterwards of Anton Halm on the pianoforte and of Notte bohm in theory After living alternately at Presburg and Vienna he has resided in Pesth since 1871 as civil engineer of the royal Hungarian railroad Works Mass for soli chorus and orchestra Ave Maria for do op 9 String quartet op 21 Trio op 30 Andante for string orchestra op 25 Pianoforte music for two and four hands Songs Mendel Ergaenz 30 Riemann
A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker) G. Schirmer, 1905 - 695 pages
Beliczay, Julius von b Komorn Hungary, Aug 10 1835, d Pesth May 1 1893.
Pupil of Joachim Hoffmann and Franz Krenn;
1888 prof of theory at the Natl Acad of Mus Pesth.
Works: Mass in F often perf.; symphony in D min 1888; Ave Maria f sopr solo ch and orch (op 9); serenade f strings (op 36) Andante f string orch op 25 trio in Eh op 30 string quartet in G min op 21 pf pes etudes songs etc In 189 he publ Part I of a Method of Comp in Hungarian

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