Sancta Maria Op.23

Composer: Don Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634), 1613

This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not! 


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Recording:  not available  
MIDI / Lyrics:  not available  
Score:  not available  

Posted on YouTube:    
Uploaded by theprof1958 on Jan 10, 2011

Internet references, biography information.
A biographical dictionary of musicians (ed. Theodore Baker)
G. Schirmer, 1905 - Biography & Autobiography - 695 pages
  Banchieri, Don Adriano born Bologna c1567 d 1034
Poet, theorist, church composer, organist at Imola and Bologna. Wrote masses psalms motets madrigals church concerti etc and the treatises Cartella musicale del canto figurato fermo econtrappunto i6io Venice 1614 Direttorio monastico di canto fermo Bologna 1615 Lettere armoniche Bologna 162S and Organo suonarino lie named the 7th scale-degree 'ba' being an opponent of the hexachordal system.

Adriano Banchieri (1568-1634), Italian composer, organist, theorist and writer, born in Bologna, was one of the most versatile Italian musicians of his day and is of particular interest as a theorist. He was organist at Bologna, Imola, Lucca, Siena, Venice, Verona, and Milano.
In 1615 he helped to found the "Accademia dei Floridi", the first such society in Bologna: the academy, which Monteverdi visited in 1620, met at S. Michele in Bosco, and was the immediate forerunner of the "Accademia dei Filomusi".
He moved to the monastery of San Bernardino, Bologna, in 1634, and in the same year he died there of apoplexy.

Italian monk, organist and composer. Adriano Banchieri joined the Benedictine order in 1550 and toured from monastery to monastery after that. Although he was a chruch musician, Adriano Banchieri is today best known for his secular songs, in particular the "Contrapunto bestale alla mente" written to the carnival in Venice and published in his "Festino nella Sera del Giovedi Grasso avanti Cena" (Venice, 1608). The sacred part of his large catalogue, however is very different, and rarely performed.

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Page last modified: November 09, 2011

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