Schlom Lecht Maryam / shlomo lech (Ave Maria)   

Composer:  traditional


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!



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Score / MIDI / Lyrics: Recording:

not available

not available

Posted on YouTube: (2 different versions)  
Schlom Lecht Maryam. shlomo lech
Shlom lekh bthoolto Mariam, in Syriac:

Shlom lekh bthoolto Mariam.
Maliath taibootho
Moran a'amekh
Mbarakhto at bneshey
Wambarakhoo feero dabkharsekh yeshue
O qadeeshto Mariam
Yoldath aloho
Saloy hlofain hatoyeh
Hosho wabsho'ath mawtan.
Shlama Ilakh Maryam - Hail Mary in Aramaic:

Shlama Ilakh maryam. Mleetha N3ma,
Maran ilakh, burakhtab inshi ,
Nihwileh breleh kasaks EE-sho,
Ma6 maryam, Ummid alaha
Msaleh badalan, akhni hu6ayi,
Dow shethan mothen

Page last modified: October 30, 2011

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