> 3000 Ave Marias -- Songs of Sharon -- Remi Ghesquiere -- St-Basil's Hymnal --  PROJIMO -- Beyond Good and Evil

60. Wees gegroet, O maged zoet  (O. L. V. Boodschap) 

Composer: Remi Ghesquiere (1866-1964), 1922


This music is assumed to be public domain in the USA. BEWARE: the modern-day recordings of that music are not!




Recording: not available  

Wees ge-groet, o Ma-ged zoet,
Wees ge-groet, Ma-ri-a!

U, ons hert en lief-de-gloed!
Wees ge-groet, Ma-ri-a!

O Ma-ri-a, vol ge-na-den,
Maak dat nie-mand ons kan scha-den.

Wees ge-groet, Ma-ri-a!
Wees ge-groet, Ma-ri-a!

Dit lied mag 3 stemmig en ook 1 stemmig gezongen worden. In 't eerste geval mag, in 't tweede moet begeleid worden. Orgel of harmonium speelt de Zangpartijen en voegt er, op 't einde der laatste maat, de basnoten bij.   This song can be sung for three voices  or for solo voice. Former may, latter must be accompanied. Organ or harmonium plays the voice lines and adds, at the end of the last measure, the bass notes.
Score: #60 in 1922 ed. "Godvruchtige Zanger II, Honderd geestelijke Liederen"


My thanks and appreciation to
my parents Marcel and Mia Cuypers
for sending me this book.

Page last modified: October 27, 2011

Return to my homepage: www.avemariasongs.org

The works of Remi Ghesquiere are still under copyright protection in countries with life+50 years (2015) or life+70 years (2035) copyright protection. Even though you may be able to download some scores for free on this website, it remains your personal responsibility to comply with copyright laws in your country and register these scores with the proper copyright collection agency before using them for public performances.


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