Avesson, Lembit - Ave Maria - Op.77
for soprano and piano
year of composition / 1st publication: s1960
Lembit Avesson (1925-2008)
Country of origin / activity: Estonia / Canada |
Text author: traditional |
Arranger / Editor: N/A |
Available documentation:
published by Edition 49 (E4.E49-04078-01)
not available |
My thanks and appreciation to
for sending me this score. |
Lyrics: (source)
MIDI: not available |
MP3: not available |
Video - posted on YouTube:
not available at this time |
YOU could be featured here!
If you or your choir perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording. Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page. |
Internet references, biography information:
2008 obituary http://www.eesti.ca/?articleid=18784&op=article |
Lahkus Lembit Avesson (1) In Memoriam 18 Jan 2008 EEEWR Eelmise nädala lõpul lahkus igaviku teedele kauaaegne Toronto Vana-Andrese kiriku organist, helilooja ja muusik Lembit Avesson. Ta sündis 10. jaanuaril 1925 Tallinnas, õppides aastatel 1942—44 Tallinna Konservatooriumis A. Karjuse juhendusel tshellot ja A. Topmani juhendusel orelit. Lahkudes 1944.a. kodumaalt, jätkusid tema õpingud oreli, kompositsiooni ja koorijuhtimise alal Saksamaal Augsburgis ja Münchenis. 1950.a. siirdus Lembit Avesson Torontosse, kus lõpetas Toronto Ülikooli ning Toronto Konservatooriumi (Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto), õppides John Weinzweigi, Oscar Morawetzi, John Beckwithi, Talivaldis Keninsi, Gerta Krausi, dr. Charles Peakeri ja Douglas Elliotti juures.
Lembit Avesson omas Royal Canadian College of Organists Associate Diploma’t, samuti oli ta Canadian League of Composers liige.
L. Avessoni rohkearvuliste tööde hulgas on laule ja kammermuusikat, samuti helitöid koorile ja orkstrile, mida on esitatud Kanadas, Ameerika Ühendriikides, Rootsis ja Eestis. Orelisolistina on ta mänginud Kanadas ja Saksamaal. Pikka aega töötas L. Avesson organistina Toronto Vana-Andrese kirikus, olles eelnevalt töötanud ka mitmetes teistes Toronto kirikutes organisti ja koorijuhina. Ta andis ulatusliku panuse ka Kanada muusikaellu.
Lembit Avesson on üle 40 aasta tegutsenud Musica Divina koori ja kammerorkestri asutaja ja dirigent. Musica Divina kaudu jõudsid mitmed L. Avessoni helindid esiettekanneteni.
Lahkunut jäävad leinama abikaasa Virve ja rohkearvuline Toronto muusikute ja muusikasõprade ring.
Google 'translate'
At the end of last week, left the highway eternity longtime Toronto of Old St. Andrews Church organist, composer and musician Lembit Avesson. He was born on 10 January 1925 in Tallinn, where he studied from 1942-44 at the Tallinn Conservatory A. Shepherd's guidance cello and A. Topman guidance of the organ.When leaving 1944 homeland, continued his studies in organ, composition and choral conducting in Germany, Augsburg and Munich. 1950 Lembit Avesson moved to Toronto, where he graduated from the University of Toronto and the Toronto Conservatory (Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto), studying John Weinzweigi, Oscar Morawetz, John Beckwith, Tali Valdis Ķēniņš, Gerta Kraus, dr. Peaker and Charles Douglas Elliott us.Lembit Avesson owned Royal Canadian College of Organists Associate Diploma 't, and he was a member of the Canadian League of Composers. L. Avesson numerous works include songs and chamber music as well as compositions for choir and orkstrile you are in Canada, United States, Sweden and Estonia. Organ soloist he has played in Canada and Germany. For a long time worked in L. Avesson organist of Old Toronto Andrews Church, having previously worked in several other Toronto churches as organist and choir director.He gave an extensive contribution to the musical life of Canada. Lembit Avesson has over 40 years in business, and the chamber orchestra Musica Divina, founder and conductor of the choir. Musica Divina reached through a number of L. Avesson sounds premiere. Virve husband have left to mourn and a numerical plenty of Toronto musicians and music lovers in the ring.
Page last modified: August 06, 2013