Arrillaga, Santiago - Ave Maria

public domainfor sopr. and alto solos and SATB chorus and organ

year of composition / 1st publication: 1890

Composer: Santiago Arrilaga (1847-1915)

Composer: Santiago Arrilaga (1847-1915)
aliases, aka: Santiago Arrillaga y Ansola
Country of origin / activity: Spain / USA
Text author: traditional
Arranger / Editor: N/A

Available documentation:

Score: courtesy of 
Arrillaga-cover Arrilaga-p1

Lyrics: (source)
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Internet references, biography information:

A Hundred Years of Music in America
Santiago Arrillaga y Ansola
The subject of this sketch was born in 1 847 at Tolosa in the province of Guipuzcoa and at the age of ten years he began the study of music in the old Spanish fashion with a solfeggio master who employed no instrumental accompaniment whatever In the course of a year he had fully mastered all that could be taught him by his instructor He then began the study of the piano as a recreation his teacher being DC Aguayo organist of the parish church He attended school both in Spain and France until the age of sixteen when having decided to pursue musical art as a profession he was sent to the Royal Conservatory at Madrid where he became the pupil of Don M Mendizabal in piano Don R Hernando in harmony and Dr H Eslava in counterpoint At the close of three years study he graduated with the highest honors having obtained the first prizes at the public examination and being decorated with the gold medal of the university which was conferred on him by the queen In 1867 Sefior Ansola went to Paris where he studied at the Conservatoire and also took private lessons At the age of twenty one he was seized with a desire to travel and after a sojourn in several South American cities and in the Antilles he came to this country At San Jose de Costa Rica he remained for five years and he would in all probability have made his home at that delightful place as he had every inducement offered him so to do had not the climate of the tropics shattered his health This compelled him to seek a more congenial locality and in 1875 he departed for San Francisco where he has since resided In all the places where the Seiior has resided or visited he has given concerts with marked success his playing being particularly admired for its elegant and graceful style and his facile technique He possesses that rare gift even in virtuosi of being a good accompanist When Carlotta Patti visited the Pacific coast she especially engaged hir i to serve in that capacity for her concert tour Although his time has mainly been devoted to teaching he has found opportunity to do clever and characteristic work as a composer Conspicuously successful have been his a and Danza Habanera and his Trip to Spain the latter being for piano and orchestra He has written many p ano compositions two masses and a great deal of church music
generally distinguished for its imaginative and musicianly qualities .
As a teacher Senor Arrillaga has been remarkably successful and during his sojourn in San Francisco he has gathered about him a large coterie of pupils to whom he is guide in art and a valued personal friend

El músico Santiago Arrillaga y Ansola nace el 25 de julio de 1847

Santiago Arrillaga y Ansola.
Músico guipuzcoano nacido en Tolosa el 25 de julio de 1847, en el seno de una familia emparentada con el promotor de la industria textil y boinera, Antonio Elósegui. Aprendió solfeo con Antonio Buenechea, director de la Banda Municipal de Música. Luego, comprobadas las dotes naturales del niño para la música, sus padres le enviaron al Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid donde tuvo como maestro de contrapunto Hilarión Eslava, autor del método Solfeo de los Solfeos. Obtuvo las máximas calificaciones en armonía, piano y composición, siendo por ello condecorado con la Medalla de Oro del Conservatorio madrileño. Luego marchó al Conservatorio de París.
Debutó, muy joven, en público al haber sido elegido para acompañar en calidad de pianista a la cantante de ópera Carlota Patti en aquella su gira artística por América.
Allí casó con la californiana Clementina Savin y se estableció en San Francisco de California donde ejerció de organista de la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y a lo largo de cuarenta años ejerció una labor didáctica, ejecutiva y creadora ejemplar. Fundó y dirigió el Arrillaga Musical College y también una orquesta.
En 1880, preparó la Misa en Mi Bemol de Hilarión Eslava, un acontecimiento con carácter de estreno en California. Compuso varias Misas, Ave Marías y motetes, así como música profana y folklórica: jotas, habaneras, valses, pasodobles, himnos, un zortziko ( 1912) al que puso el título Nere mendi maiteak, con el subtitulo de Dear mountain of my Province.
Falleció en su tierra de adopción en 1915. Le sucedió en el Arrillaga Musical College su hijo mayor Vicente Arrillaga. Cinco de sus seis hijos fueron músicos: a) Vicente. b) Elena que casó con Luis Alegría, hijo de Fermín, alcalde que fue de la Villa de Tolosa. Elena, con títulos superiores de música, fue organista de la iglesia del Sagrado Corazón en Oakland (en el Condado de Alameda, California) y regentó una Academia de Música en esta industriosa ciudad. c) Leo, pianista y organista. d) Graziela, concertista de piano. e) Cecilia, que también daba conciertos de piano.
Dos nietas de Santiago, María Luisa Alegría Arrillaga ofrecen recitales de piano por América y Susan Sarti Arrillaga es profesora de piano y concertista.


Page last modified: August 05, 2013