Armand, Patrick - Ave Maria in opera 'Don Rodrigo'

copyrightedfor {voicing} and {Instrumentation}

year of composition / 1st publication: 2001

Composer: Patrick Armand (s.a.)
aliases, aka:
Country of origin / activity:
Text author: N/A
Arranger / Editor: N/A

in opera "Don Rodrigo"

Available documentation:

not available
My thanks and appreciation to
for sending me this score.

Lyrics: (source)
not available  

MIDI: not available MP3: not available

not available  

Video - posted on YouTube:

DON RODRIGO, opera composed by Patrick ARMAND, Tribute to Verdi, in honor and remembrance for the 100th anniversary of his death - 27 january 1901 liberasalvatore September 14, 2008

Internet references, biography information:

not available

Page last modified: July 27, 2013