Abela, Placido - Sancta Maria - s.a.

public domain  for TTB and organ

year of composition: 1871

No composer photo available

Composer: Padre Don Placido Abela Cassinese (1814-1876), 1864
Country of origin / activity: Italy
Text author: traditional
Arranger / Editor: N/A 

Available documentation:

Score:  courtesy of: Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale di Montecassino 
Abela - Sancta Maria - s.d.
Abela, Placido *Litanie della Beata Vergine Maria a 3 voci composta da D. Placido / Abela Autografo [seconda meta' 19.sec.] Titolo uniforme: *Litanie della beata Vergine Maria; Coro(2T,B),org [MagTeca - ICCU] [Musica manoscritta] [Monografia] [oai: www.internetculturale.sbn.it/Teca:20:NT0000:FR0084-07A04_07 ]


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Internet references, biography information:

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Page last modified: July 27, 2013