Abela, Placido - Ave Maria alla Palestrina

public domain  for SATB a cappella

year of composition: 1864

No composer photo available

Composer: Padre Don Placido Abela Cassinese (1814-1876), 1864
Country of origin / activity: Italy
Text author: traditional
Arranger / Editor: N/A 

Available documentation:

Score:  free download, courtesy of: Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale di Montecassino
Abela - Ave Maria
Abela-palestrinaAbela, Placido *Ave Maria / alla Palestrina / composta dal Padre Don Placido Abela Cassinese / per sua divozione / nell'anno 1864 Autografo 1864 Titolo uniforme: *Ave Maria; Coro(S,A,T,B) Fa parte di: *Musica Religiosa pubblicata nel 1864 / in Napoli da D. Federico Girard {FR0084-07A04 22ab} [MagTeca - ICCU] [Musica manoscritta] [Spoglio] [oai: www.internetculturale.sbn.it/Teca:20:NT0000:FR0084-07A04_22a ]

Problem with transcription at the beginning of the score. :  NWC only permits the use of UT-clefs in 2 positions. I think I "translated" this one correctly.
Score: key problem Score: key problem solution

A-ve, A-ve, A-ve Ma-ri-a,
A-ve Ma-ri-a, gra-tia ple-na,
Do-mi-nus te-cum, a-_-ve.
Be-ne-dic-_-ta tu
in mu-li-e-_-ri-bus,
Et be-ne-dic-tus
fruc-tus ven-tris tu-i, Je-_-sus.
San-cta Ma-ri-a, ma-ter De-i,
o-ra, o-ra pro no-bis, o _ ra.
o-ra pro no-bis, o-ra.
o-ra pro no-bis pec-ca-to-_ ri-bus.
nunc et in ho-ra mor-tis nos-_ _ trae.
A _ _ _ _ _ _ men. A _ _ _ _ men.
A-_ _ _ _ _ men.

Play / stop MIDI
alt: Play Abela - Ave Maria alla Palestrina
not available

not available  

Video - posted on YouTube:
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If you or your choir perform this Ave Maria, make a video recording. Post your video on YouTube, email me the page URL and I'll embed the video in this page.

Internet references, biography information:

not available

Page last modified: July 27, 2013