Anonymous Gregorian - Ave Maria - cantorale Girona

public domain  for solo voice / unison choir

year of composition: s.a.

What is Gregorian Chant? See Gregorian Chant Introduction

No composer photo available

Composer: Anonymous / Unknown
Text author: traditional

See also: Anonymous Gregorian - Ave Maria - CS-159

Available documentation:

CD Libre Vermell - Psallentes CD:  Libre Vermell  
track06 Ave Maria      

This song is mislabeled as 'Libre Vermell: Maria Matrem' which is #7) Thank you Rebecca Cremona for that correction!)

Latin text  (source) A rather liberal translation  (source)

VERSE 1: This text shown in video 1
A-ve Ma-ri-_ a gra-ti-a ple-_ na.
Do-mi-nus te-_ cum, vir-go se-re-_ na.
Be-ne-dic-ta tu _ _ _ in mu-li-_ _ e-ri-bus.
Quae pe-pe-ri-_ _ _ sti pa-cem ho-_ _ mi-ni-bus,
et an-ge-lis glo-ri-am.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
The Lord is with you—O serene virgin.
Blessed are you among women,
you who bore peace for humankind
and glory for the angels.
Et be-ne-dic-tus _ _ _ fruc-tus ven-_ tris tu-_ i.
Qui co-he-re-des _ _ _ ut es-se-_ mus su-_ i
nos fe-cit per gra-ti-am.
And blessed is the fruit of your womb—
he who makes us his heirs through grace,
so that we might be his.
Per hoc au-tem a-ve mun-do _ tam su-a-ve,
con-_ tra car-nis _ _ ju-_ ra,
But though this “Ave” — So pure and sweet,
Contrary to the law of the flesh—

VERSE 2: This text not shown in the videos
Ge-nu-is-ti pro-lem no-vum _ stel-la
so-lem no-va _ ge-_ ni-_ _ tu-_ ra.
Tu par-vi et mag-ni
le-o-nis et ag-ni,
Sal-va-to-ris Chris-ti tem-plum _ _
ex-ti-ti-_ _ sti
sed vir-go in-tac-_ ta.
You, O star, through a new birth
Brought forth your offspring, The new sun.
For the humble and the great,
For the lion and the lamb,
You stand out as the temple
Of Christ the savior—
Yet you remain a virgin.
Tu flo-ris et ro-ris,
pa-nis et pas-to-ris,
vir-gi-num et re-gi-na, ro-sa _ _
si-ne spi-_ _ na
ge-ni-trix es fac-_ ta.
Of the bud and the dew,
Of the bread and the shepherd
You have been made mother
You are queen of virgins,
Rose without thorns.
Tu ci-vi-tas re-gis jus-ti-ci-_ ae,
tu ma-ter es mi-se-ri-cor-di-_ ae;
de la-cu _ _ fa-_ _ cis et mi-se-ri-ae.
The-o-phi-lum _ _ re-_ _ _ for-mans gra-ti-ae,
You are the city of the king of justice,
You are mother of mercy,
From the pool of impurity and misery
You recast one who through grace becomes a lover of God.
Te colláudat caeléstis cúria.
Tibi nostra favent obséquia;
Per te reis donátur vénia,  
Per te justis confértur grátia.
You the celestial curia together praises in song,
To You our services are devoted,
You who are mother and daughter of God,
Through You the pardon for guilt is offered.

VERSE 3: This text shown in video 2
Er-go ma-ris stel-_ _ la,
ver-bi _ De-i _ _ cel-la _ _
et so-lis au-ro-ra,
Therefore star of the sea,
Sanctuary of the word of God
And dawn of the sun,
Pa-ra-di-si por-_ _ ta.
Per quam _ lux est _ _ or-ta, _ _
Na-tum tu-um o-ra,
Nos ut _ sol-_ _ vat a pec-ca-tis,
et in reg-no cla-ri-ta-tis _ _ quo lux lu-_ _ cet
se-du-la _ _ col-_ _ _ _ _ lo-_ cet
per _ _ se-cu-la.
A-_ _ _ _ _ men. _
Door of paradise
Through which the Light is born:
Pray to Him your Son,
That He might free us from sins,
And place us in the kingdom of clarity,
Where the sedulous light shines
Through all ages.

Play / stop MIDI
alt: play gregorian Ave Maria girona

  Ave Maria prosa - Girona 1 Ave Maria prosa - Girona 2   Ave Maria prosa - Girona 3 Ave Maria prosa - Girona 4  
© Biblioteca Catalunya Barcelona via Hendrik Vanden Abeele - chant group Psallentes

This song is also available in various other manuscripts:
Girona 5 Girona 6
A 15th century Dutch manuscript (Maastricht) NL-HRCL 1970 A 1506 manuscript made in Ghent for a Bruges monastery.

My thanks and appreciation to  
Hendrik Vanden Abeele (Psallentes)  
for sending me these pictures.

This song on modern music notation
Girona - modern notation Girona - modern notation Girona - modern notation 1
My thanks and appreciation to  
Johan Everaert
for sending me this transcription

Videos by Chant group Psallentes - posted on YouTube:

Internet references, biography information:

not available
About the performers: posted by quijote347  June 26, 2008
Chant group Psallentes consists of six professional singers, presenting a vivid performance of late medieval chant.
Here you can listen to (part of) the prosa 'Ave Maria' while watching the same in the original manuscript (E-Bc 911, which is a cantorale from Girona).

This is from the cd 'Llibre Vermell' RIC 260. Buy the cd at  - other CDs available as well. Check it out!

Psallentes. Chant professionals since 2000. Founded and directed by Hendrik Vanden Abeele
Chant goup Psallentes

Page last modified: July 27, 2013